FOR MY FRENCH FRIENDS AND FANS ( Pour mes amis et fans français)
Étoiles sans fans sont pas des étoiles, mes amis, et les fans sont les étoiles de mon cœur. J'étais à la table de mixage du film entre certaines étoiles de Hollywood. J'étais habillée, mais mon collègue portais un costume simple. Beaucoup d'entre eux prenaient des photos avec moi, mais pas avec mes collègues; certains ont même donner son attitude. Pourquoi? Parce que certaines personnes pensent qu'ils sont supérieurs et de penser, "Qu'est-ce que cette petite personne va faire pour moi?" Permettez-moi de vous rappeler que nous sommes tous interdépendants. Vous devrez peut-être ce «commun» personne un jour.
Au fil des ans, j'ai vu les étoiles ont un énorme succès et deviennent alors très pauvre. L'argent va et vient, mais personne ne peut emporter votre personnage comme une personne. Je veux être la star du cœur des gens afin qu'ils puissent entendre mon message et m'aider dans ma mission. Je ne sais pas combien la vie que j'ai. S'il vous plaît priez pour que je puisse terminer le but de ma vie à construire des abris et de laisser assez d'argent derrière de sorte que quand je mourrai, l'abri sera continuer. Chaque personne est une étoile dans les yeux de notre Seigneur. Le mot STAR signifie beaucoup de choses. Mes fans et amis m'ont été donnés par le Seigneur, et ils font partie de ma famille; ils sont des étoiles de mon cœur.
Je comprends pas ce qu'on a à m'aimer ou de soin ce que je fais. Je veux juste vous remercier tous pour votre soutien et votre amour. J'étais l'un de ces enfants qui n'ont jamais eu des ennuis, même une fois à l'école, étant toujours un animal de compagnie »enseignants et le directeur de. Je suis toujours les règles. Même à cet âge, je travaille toujours à être un peu mieux chaque jour pour que lorsque je quitterai ce monde, je peux réaliser quelque bonté avec moi. J'ai associé à un organisme de bienfaisance appelé, Partager outre-mer avec le Dr Nishat (Meilleur ophtalmologiste j'ai rencontré dans IL). Elle a juste fait un événement médical en Haïti, et elle peut m'aider à emporter mission médicale dans le monde entier que je rêve de faire. Vous pouvez me rejoindre et nous dire votre expertise. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire une petite différence dans la vie de certaines personnes. C'est tout ce que nous pouvons faire.
Pardonne-nous nos erreurs que nous faisons de notre mieux pour écrire en françe.
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Saturday, July 26, 2014
Stars without fans aren't stars, my friends, and fans are the stars of my heart. I was at the film mixer among some hollywood stars. I was dressed up, but my colleague was wearing a simple suit. A lot of them were taking pictures with me but not with my colleagues; some were even giving her attitude. Why? Because some people think they are superior and thinking, "What is this little person going to do for me?" Let me remind you that we are all interdependent. You might need this "common" person one day.
Over the years, I have seen stars have tremendous success and then become very poor. Money comes and goes, but no one can take away your character as a person. I want to be the star of people's hearts so that they can hear my message and help me in my mission. I don't know how much life I have. Please pray so I can finish the purpose of my life to build shelters and leave enough money behind so that when I die, the shelter will keep going. Every person is a star in our Lord's eyes. The word STAR means many things. My fans and friends were given to me by the Lord, and they are part of my family; they are stars of my heart.
I understand no one has to love me or care what I do. I just want to thank all of you for your support and love. I was one of those children who never got in trouble even once in school, always being a teachers' and principal's pet. I always follow the rules. Even at this age, I am still working to be a little better every day so that when I leave this world, I can carry some goodness with me. I have associated with a charity called, Share Overseas with Dr Nishat (Best ophthalmologist I met in IL). She just did a medical event in Haiti, and she can help me carryout medical mission worldwide that I dream to do. You can join me and tell us your expertise. Together, we can make a little difference in some people's lives. That's all we can do.
Stars without fans aren't stars, my friends, and fans are the stars of my heart. I was at the film mixer among some hollywood stars. I was dressed up, but my colleague was wearing a simple suit. A lot of them were taking pictures with me but not with my colleagues; some were even giving her attitude. Why? Because some people think they are superior and thinking, "What is this little person going to do for me?" Let me remind you that we are all interdependent. You might need this "common" person one day.
Over the years, I have seen stars have tremendous success and then become very poor. Money comes and goes, but no one can take away your character as a person. I want to be the star of people's hearts so that they can hear my message and help me in my mission. I don't know how much life I have. Please pray so I can finish the purpose of my life to build shelters and leave enough money behind so that when I die, the shelter will keep going. Every person is a star in our Lord's eyes. The word STAR means many things. My fans and friends were given to me by the Lord, and they are part of my family; they are stars of my heart.
I understand no one has to love me or care what I do. I just want to thank all of you for your support and love. I was one of those children who never got in trouble even once in school, always being a teachers' and principal's pet. I always follow the rules. Even at this age, I am still working to be a little better every day so that when I leave this world, I can carry some goodness with me. I have associated with a charity called, Share Overseas with Dr Nishat (Best ophthalmologist I met in IL). She just did a medical event in Haiti, and she can help me carryout medical mission worldwide that I dream to do. You can join me and tell us your expertise. Together, we can make a little difference in some people's lives. That's all we can do.
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MJD global beauty education
please join: www.shareoverseas.orgFriday, July 25, 2014
DÉFINITION DE CONVICTION = Selon le dictionnaire, une croyance, c'est la confiance dans la vérité ou de l'existence de quelque chose de pas immédiatement sensibles à la démonstration rigoureuse. fiabilité d'une personne, une idée ou une chose et ne repose pas sur la preuve ou matériel logique.
Un ensemble de croyances relatives à la cause, le but de la création d'un organisme ou des organismes surhumaine, impliquant généralement des observances rituelles et dévotionnelles, et contenant souvent un code moral régissant la conduite des affaires humaines.
Ma définition de la CROYANCE: Jésus, Bouddha, Moïse, Mahomet et d'autres que vous sont venus, et nous n'avons pas été présents, mais nous croyons parce que nos cerveaux sont conditionnés depuis que nous étions peu.
Conclusion: Nos croyants sont tous différents, pensent quel ennui le monde serait si nous avons tous une croyance. La diversité est créé pour créer l'action et la réaction. Mais la plupart des croyants pensent qu'ils vont au ciel, et d'autres types de croyants vont à l'enfer.
Voici la question! Qui sommes-nous juger les autres, alors que nous avons tellement de choses à faire juste pour nous améliorer. A en juger d'autres est une partie de la nature humaine, par exemple, je vois quelqu'un assis à regarder la télévision toute la journée, je sais que je pourrais dire, "ce un perdant." Rappelez-vous ceci est mon opinion dans mon esprit, je ne suis pas de mal à personne. Cependant, si je vais tuer un enfant parce qu'il est arrivé à naître dans une croyance différente, cela me fait un terroriste, meurtrier et une mauvaise personne. La plupart du temps les gens tuent d'autres, et ils font la paix avec eux-mêmes en justifiant leur mise à mort. Se faisant appeler un meurtrier est trop mal pour leur ego.
J'étais à Calgary au Canada récemment, et j'ai vu la démonstration entre Israéliens et Palestiniens. Mes jugements voyant cela dans le monde occidental était "Deux vieux groupes tribaux vivant à l'intérieur de leurs boîtes, justifier un mauvais comportement."
Hitler a tué tant de juifs pauvres et d'autres; Cependant, il était très agréable avec son peuple; ils l'aimaient et justifiées son assassinat. J'ai visité Israël, et il ya beaucoup de la population qui veut la paix. Tuer les enfants et les femmes est un acte de terroristes des deux côtés. Quand on pousse les enfants nous avons tous à faire quelque chose. J'ai interviewé un soldat à la retraite, et il a dit, «Je vais avoir des cauchemars, j'ai tué trop d'enfants et détruire leurs familles. Je veux me tuer." J'ai été conseillais ce soldat pour les six derniers mois.
MON définition de la religion: la façon dont nous traitons les autres, notre plus, notre famille, notre pays, nos enseignants, etc Ces deux tribus se battent encore partager sœur religion, la culture et les croyances. Pourquoi ne peuvent-ils s'aimer ou diviser la terre et que ce soit? Je pense que ce sont les tas de politiciens mal détourner l'attention de leur peuple à haïr quelqu'un. J'ai été là; ces tribus ont beau terrain qu'ils perdent à la fois beaucoup d'argent du tourisme. J'ai été retiens d'aller Isreal moi-même. LET'S GET TOGETHER ET cesser de tuer et d'apprendre à utiliser des mots. C'EST DU XXE SIÈCLE.
Désolé pour les erreurs, il est difficile d'écrire en français, je fais de mon mieux.
S'il vous plaît lire la suite de cet article sur mon blog.
DÉFINITION DE CONVICTION = Selon le dictionnaire, une croyance, c'est la confiance dans la vérité ou de l'existence de quelque chose de pas immédiatement sensibles à la démonstration rigoureuse. fiabilité d'une personne, une idée ou une chose et ne repose pas sur la preuve ou matériel logique.
Un ensemble de croyances relatives à la cause, le but de la création d'un organisme ou des organismes surhumaine, impliquant généralement des observances rituelles et dévotionnelles, et contenant souvent un code moral régissant la conduite des affaires humaines.
Ma définition de la CROYANCE: Jésus, Bouddha, Moïse, Mahomet et d'autres que vous sont venus, et nous n'avons pas été présents, mais nous croyons parce que nos cerveaux sont conditionnés depuis que nous étions peu.
Conclusion: Nos croyants sont tous différents, pensent quel ennui le monde serait si nous avons tous une croyance. La diversité est créé pour créer l'action et la réaction. Mais la plupart des croyants pensent qu'ils vont au ciel, et d'autres types de croyants vont à l'enfer.
Voici la question! Qui sommes-nous juger les autres, alors que nous avons tellement de choses à faire juste pour nous améliorer. A en juger d'autres est une partie de la nature humaine, par exemple, je vois quelqu'un assis à regarder la télévision toute la journée, je sais que je pourrais dire, "ce un perdant." Rappelez-vous ceci est mon opinion dans mon esprit, je ne suis pas de mal à personne. Cependant, si je vais tuer un enfant parce qu'il est arrivé à naître dans une croyance différente, cela me fait un terroriste, meurtrier et une mauvaise personne. La plupart du temps les gens tuent d'autres, et ils font la paix avec eux-mêmes en justifiant leur mise à mort. Se faisant appeler un meurtrier est trop mal pour leur ego.
J'étais à Calgary au Canada récemment, et j'ai vu la démonstration entre Israéliens et Palestiniens. Mes jugements voyant cela dans le monde occidental était "Deux vieux groupes tribaux vivant à l'intérieur de leurs boîtes, justifier un mauvais comportement."
Hitler a tué tant de juifs pauvres et d'autres; Cependant, il était très agréable avec son peuple; ils l'aimaient et justifiées son assassinat. J'ai visité Israël, et il ya beaucoup de la population qui veut la paix. Tuer les enfants et les femmes est un acte de terroristes des deux côtés. Quand on pousse les enfants nous avons tous à faire quelque chose. J'ai interviewé un soldat à la retraite, et il a dit, «Je vais avoir des cauchemars, j'ai tué trop d'enfants et détruire leurs familles. Je veux me tuer." J'ai été conseillais ce soldat pour les six derniers mois.
MON définition de la religion: la façon dont nous traitons les autres, notre plus, notre famille, notre pays, nos enseignants, etc Ces deux tribus se battent encore partager sœur religion, la culture et les croyances. Pourquoi ne peuvent-ils s'aimer ou diviser la terre et que ce soit? Je pense que ce sont les tas de politiciens mal détourner l'attention de leur peuple à haïr quelqu'un. J'ai été là; ces tribus ont beau terrain qu'ils perdent à la fois beaucoup d'argent du tourisme. J'ai été retiens d'aller Isreal moi-même. LET'S GET TOGETHER ET cesser de tuer et d'apprendre à utiliser des mots. C'EST DU XXE SIÈCLE.
Désolé pour les erreurs, il est difficile d'écrire en français, je fais de mon mieux.
S'il vous plaît lire la suite de cet article sur mon blog.
DEFINITION OF BELIEF = According to the dictionary, a belief is confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing and does not rest on logical proof or material.
A set of beliefs concerning the cause, purpose of the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
MY DEFINITION OF BELIEF: When Jesus, buddha, Moses, Mohammed and others came you, and we were not present, but we believe because our brains are conditioned since we were little.
Conclusion: Our believers are all different, think how boring the world would be if we all have one belief. Diversity is created to create action and reaction. But most believers believe they are going to heaven, and other types of believers are going to hell.
Here is the Issue! Who are we judge others, when we have so much to do just to improve ourselves. Judging other is a part of human nature, for example, I see someone sitting watching TV all day, I know I might say," what a loser." Remember this is my opinion in my mind, I am not hurting anyone. However, if I go kill a kid because he happened to born in a different belief, that makes me a terrorist, murderer and a bad person. Most of the time people kill others, and they make peace with themselves by justifying their killing. Calling themselves a murderer is too hurt for their egos.
I was in Calgary Canada recently, and I saw demonstration between Israelis and Palestinians. My judgements seeing this in the western world was, " Two old tribal groups living inside their boxes, justifying wrong behaviour."
Hitler killed so many poor jews and others; however, he was very personable with his people; they loved him and justified his killing. I visited Israel, and there are a lot of the population who wants peace. Killing kids and women is an act of terrorists on both sides. When anyone shoot kids we all have to do something about it. I interviewed a retired soldier, and he said,"I am having nightmares I killed too many children and destroy their families. I want to kill myself." I have been counseling this soldier for the last six months.
MY DEFINITION OF RELIGION: is the way we treat others, our older, our family, our country, our teachers, etc. These two tribes are fighting yet share sister religion, culture and beliefs. Why can they love each other or divide the land and let it be? I think these are the bunch of evil politicians diverting their people's attention to hate someone. I have been there; these tribes have beautiful land they are both losing a lot of money from tourism. I have been restraining to go Isreal myself. LET'S GET TOGETHER AND STOP KILLING AND LEARN TO USE WORDS. THIS IS THE TWENTIETH CENTURY.
Please read the rest of this article on my blog.
DEFINITION OF BELIEF = According to the dictionary, a belief is confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing and does not rest on logical proof or material.
A set of beliefs concerning the cause, purpose of the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
MY DEFINITION OF BELIEF: When Jesus, buddha, Moses, Mohammed and others came you, and we were not present, but we believe because our brains are conditioned since we were little.
Conclusion: Our believers are all different, think how boring the world would be if we all have one belief. Diversity is created to create action and reaction. But most believers believe they are going to heaven, and other types of believers are going to hell.
Here is the Issue! Who are we judge others, when we have so much to do just to improve ourselves. Judging other is a part of human nature, for example, I see someone sitting watching TV all day, I know I might say," what a loser." Remember this is my opinion in my mind, I am not hurting anyone. However, if I go kill a kid because he happened to born in a different belief, that makes me a terrorist, murderer and a bad person. Most of the time people kill others, and they make peace with themselves by justifying their killing. Calling themselves a murderer is too hurt for their egos.
I was in Calgary Canada recently, and I saw demonstration between Israelis and Palestinians. My judgements seeing this in the western world was, " Two old tribal groups living inside their boxes, justifying wrong behaviour."
Hitler killed so many poor jews and others; however, he was very personable with his people; they loved him and justified his killing. I visited Israel, and there are a lot of the population who wants peace. Killing kids and women is an act of terrorists on both sides. When anyone shoot kids we all have to do something about it. I interviewed a retired soldier, and he said,"I am having nightmares I killed too many children and destroy their families. I want to kill myself." I have been counseling this soldier for the last six months.
MY DEFINITION OF RELIGION: is the way we treat others, our older, our family, our country, our teachers, etc. These two tribes are fighting yet share sister religion, culture and beliefs. Why can they love each other or divide the land and let it be? I think these are the bunch of evil politicians diverting their people's attention to hate someone. I have been there; these tribes have beautiful land they are both losing a lot of money from tourism. I have been restraining to go Isreal myself. LET'S GET TOGETHER AND STOP KILLING AND LEARN TO USE WORDS. THIS IS THE TWENTIETH CENTURY.
Please read the rest of this article on my blog.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Green Positive Nanny Host Munni Irone meets with Dr. Nishat Alvi, a premier opthamologist in Chicago, Illnois. She is the founder and CEO of the Share Overseas Organization. The organization donates eyeglasses to those in need abroad as well as helping the poor nationwide and internationally. We encourahge you to volunteer and support this initiative!

Green Positive Nanny: Inauguration for Escape Salon
Green Positive Nanny Host Munni Irone is the guest of honor at Escape Salon. Escape salon celebrated its inauguration in Pasadena, California.

Green Positive Nanny: Meet and Greet with T.K. Carter
Green Positive Nanny Host Munni Irone meets actor, musician and director T.K.Carter!

Green Positive Nanny: Rapper's Power Over Teens
Green Positive Nanny Host Munni Irone meets rapper Silkk. He seeks to revolutionize the hip-hop industry through positive and inspirtational lyrics.
Rappers' Power Over Teens
Music has no language or cultural barriers. I am an international person I never got involved with rap music.
I was talking to a songwriter and I told him the following: "You are obligated to write songs to improve the lives of our youth instead of teaching them wrong." In turn, he introduced me to a rapper with morals. His name is 'Silkk the Shocker'. I spent three hours with him. His studio was amazing. It can hold 400 people with a recording area, a lecture auditorium, and a computer room to help poor kids. He sings a motivational song entitled "Don't give up."
If your kids are listening to rap music, you might as well listen to his message. At least they are listenening to positive and motivational music.

Green Positive Nanny: An Article on Blood Family
Green Positive Nanny Host Munni Irone pens an article on "Blood Family". This is a very
insightfully-written article which is a continuation of "Why We Judge Others?".
Why blood is so important to us? Sometimes, it is not always "blood family" that supports us in a time of need or distress.
I have kids around the world that I love and care for but we are not blood-related. I love kids whether biologically mine or not. Suprisingly, kids coonect well with me regardless of a biolodgical bond. I will share an interesting story below:
I have kids around the world that I love and care for but we are not blood-related. I love kids whether biologically mine or not. Suprisingly, kids coonect well with me regardless of a biolodgical bond. I will share an interesting story below:
I was on an airplane,and there was a cute little boy sitting in front of me. I kept making faces and he was laughing and smiling. I finally asked his mother, "Can I play with him?"
She responded: "Sure but he does not like strangers and he is not social." While she was talking to me, the boy reached out for me. The mother was shocked.
I played with him and shared some French words with him. He even wanted to sleep and eat with me!
His mother begins to relax. The boy did not want to leave my side. His mother let me carry him to the baggage claim area and the father carried my hand luggage.
She responded: "Sure but he does not like strangers and he is not social." While she was talking to me, the boy reached out for me. The mother was shocked.
I played with him and shared some French words with him. He even wanted to sleep and eat with me!
His mother begins to relax. The boy did not want to leave my side. His mother let me carry him to the baggage claim area and the father carried my hand luggage.
The father replied "My son never has done this with anyone."
My response: "Kids are free-spirted.They have no prejudice and no conditioning. They are full of purity and love."
My response: "Kids are free-spirted.They have no prejudice and no conditioning. They are full of purity and love."
I followed this conversation with the following: "Do you think it is possible for us an adult to find purity in our souls? How about we embrace everyone regardless of who they are? Do you think we and our children will have better world to live in knowing this?
Munni Irone
Munni Irone
An Article from Green Positive Nanny: Why Do We Judge Others?
Green Positive Nanny Host Munni Irone pens a very powerful article entitled " Why Do We Judge Others?" The piece presents a powerful approach in our perceptions of others.
We all have the tendency of judging others the way they look and we forget ourselves. We have an image of ourselves in our minds; this is because we hear our adults' attitudes, behavior, and situations that they commented on as we grow up. This is interpreted as nornmal. As an adult, we need to come out of the box and break the wall behind which we live and take responsibility of our actions and choices.
How about pointing fingers towards ourselves, you think we can become better human?
I have talked to individuals with from all different races and ethnicites and socio-economic statuses.
I owned a vocational school and taught adults for 32 years. I used to make sure each student took partners with different races and backgrounds. Below, was there responses:
Student: "Ms, Munni I don't speak her language, can I sit with my friend who speaks my language."
My response: "That is so great now you have a new international friend and get to know your new friend."
Student: "I have nothing in common with him/her".
My response: "Yes you do- We all have the same religion with different beliefs. You can talk about their family, travel, food, habits, ask questions about their culture. Stay away from discussing believes and politics."
The world would be so limited if we were all had the same beliefs and religion. Lord has created this diversity to see how tolerant and good humans we can be. Thus will be test of our character on this Earth. I changed their thinking.
In the morning, I started my class saying good morning in different languages and everyday they shake their neighbors hand warmly and say good morning in their language. This act brought positive energy in my school.
I have taught students that came out of jail, handicapped, abused, students with ADD, drug and smoking addictions. They became more balanced and happier. They continued to come back to my school and visit because my school felt like "home".
I noticed mystudents became such good friends. I learned one Chinese student hadthe same personality like another African American student that graduated. If the teachers are reading, they will agree with me.
I suggest business owners follow the same mentality. In doing so, it helps unite cultures, lessen prejudices and promotes a healthy workplace.
To be free from prejudice, we need to come out of our box and be aware of how much work we need to do to become a good person. And finally, one must have a belief in the Lord in all actions of our lives.
We are here on this Earth for a certain amount of time. Do we want to be remembered as a good human being or a bad human being?
I believe there is goodness in all humans. We come from the same Lord and the environment of this world can corrupt us. We need to keep this in our minds.
We all have the tendency of judging others the way they look and we forget ourselves. We have an image of ourselves in our minds; this is because we hear our adults' attitudes, behavior, and situations that they commented on as we grow up. This is interpreted as nornmal. As an adult, we need to come out of the box and break the wall behind which we live and take responsibility of our actions and choices.
How about pointing fingers towards ourselves, you think we can become better human?
I have talked to individuals with from all different races and ethnicites and socio-economic statuses.
I owned a vocational school and taught adults for 32 years. I used to make sure each student took partners with different races and backgrounds. Below, was there responses:
Student: "Ms, Munni I don't speak her language, can I sit with my friend who speaks my language."
My response: "That is so great now you have a new international friend and get to know your new friend."
Student: "I have nothing in common with him/her".
My response: "Yes you do- We all have the same religion with different beliefs. You can talk about their family, travel, food, habits, ask questions about their culture. Stay away from discussing believes and politics."
The world would be so limited if we were all had the same beliefs and religion. Lord has created this diversity to see how tolerant and good humans we can be. Thus will be test of our character on this Earth. I changed their thinking.
In the morning, I started my class saying good morning in different languages and everyday they shake their neighbors hand warmly and say good morning in their language. This act brought positive energy in my school.
I have taught students that came out of jail, handicapped, abused, students with ADD, drug and smoking addictions. They became more balanced and happier. They continued to come back to my school and visit because my school felt like "home".
I noticed mystudents became such good friends. I learned one Chinese student hadthe same personality like another African American student that graduated. If the teachers are reading, they will agree with me.
I suggest business owners follow the same mentality. In doing so, it helps unite cultures, lessen prejudices and promotes a healthy workplace.
To be free from prejudice, we need to come out of our box and be aware of how much work we need to do to become a good person. And finally, one must have a belief in the Lord in all actions of our lives.
We are here on this Earth for a certain amount of time. Do we want to be remembered as a good human being or a bad human being?
I believe there is goodness in all humans. We come from the same Lord and the environment of this world can corrupt us. We need to keep this in our minds.
When you feel sorry for yourself find Lord in any institution of your preference. You can visit a mortuary, workout, swim, or talk to a positive friend. You are more than welcome to send me an e-mail for any additional support you may need!
This is what it means to live a holistic and positive life!
Munni Irone
Green Positive Nanny: A Message from Our Public Relations Office
Good Day Green Positive Nanny Followers!
We have lots of updated events to share! Due to preparation activities for our premiere in August, we are behind in updating our news forum! However, I assure you we are working through these obstacles agressively and promptly. Please pardon our delays as we prepare for our show launch in August!
Green Positive Nanny Show
KS Productions
22337 Pacific Coast Highway #104
Malibu, CA 90265
Contact: (626) 625-4317
Office of Public Relations
Melanie S.A. Nielsen, Executive Director of Public Relations
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