Friday, July 25, 2014


DEFINITION OF BELIEF = According to the dictionary, a belief is confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing and does not rest on logical proof or material.

A set of beliefs concerning the cause, purpose of the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

MY DEFINITION OF BELIEF:  When Jesus, buddha, Moses, Mohammed and others came you, and we were not present, but we believe because our brains are conditioned since we were little.
Conclusion: Our believers are all different, think how boring the world would be if we all have one belief. Diversity is created to create action and reaction. But most believers believe they are going to heaven, and other types of believers are going to hell.

Here is the Issue! Who are we judge others, when we have so much to do just to improve ourselves. Judging other is a part of human nature, for example, I see someone sitting watching TV all day, I know I might say," what a loser."  Remember this is my opinion in my mind, I am not hurting anyone. However, if I go kill a kid because he happened to born in a different belief, that makes me a terrorist, murderer and a bad person. Most of the time people kill others, and they make peace with themselves by justifying their killing. Calling themselves a murderer is too hurt for their egos.

I was in Calgary Canada recently, and I saw demonstration between Israelis and Palestinians. My judgements seeing this in the western world was, " Two old tribal groups living inside their boxes, justifying wrong behaviour."

Hitler killed so many poor jews and others; however, he was very personable with his people; they loved him and justified his killing. I visited Israel, and there are a lot of the population who wants peace. Killing kids and women is an act of terrorists on both sides. When anyone shoot kids we all have to do something about it. I interviewed a retired soldier, and he said,"I am having nightmares I killed too many children and destroy their families. I want to kill myself." I have been counseling this soldier for the last six months.

MY DEFINITION OF RELIGION: is the way we treat others, our older, our family, our country, our teachers, etc. These two tribes are fighting  yet share sister religion, culture and beliefs. Why can they love each other or divide the land and let it be? I think these are the bunch of evil politicians diverting their people's attention to hate someone.  I have been there; these tribes have beautiful land they are both losing a lot of money from tourism. I have been restraining to go Isreal myself. LET'S GET TOGETHER AND STOP KILLING AND LEARN TO USE WORDS. THIS IS THE TWENTIETH CENTURY.

Please read the rest of this article on my blog.

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