Sunday, July 13, 2014

Green Positive Nanny: An Article on Blood Family

Green Positive Nanny Host Munni Irone pens an article on "Blood Family". This is a very
insightfully-written article which is a continuation of "Why We Judge Others?".
 Why blood is so important to us? Sometimes, it is not always "blood family" that supports us in a time of need or distress.
  I have kids around the world that I love and care for but we are not blood-related. I love kids whether biologically mine or not.  Suprisingly, kids coonect well with me regardless of a biolodgical bond. I will share an interesting story below:
 I was on an airplane,and there was a cute little boy sitting in front of me. I kept making faces and he was laughing and smiling. I finally asked his mother, "Can I play with him?"
She responded: "Sure but he does not like strangers and he is not social." While she was talking to me, the boy reached out for me. The mother was shocked.
I played with him and shared some French words with him. He even wanted to sleep and eat with me!

  His mother begins to relax. The boy did not want to leave my side. His mother let me carry him to the baggage claim area and the father carried my hand luggage.
The father replied "My son never has done this with anyone."
My response: "Kids are free-spirted.They have no prejudice and no conditioning. They are full of purity and love."
I followed this conversation with the following: "Do you think it is possible for us an adult to find purity in our souls? How about we embrace everyone regardless  of who they are? Do you think we and our children will have better world to live in knowing this?

Munni Irone

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